Week 11
Welcome to Week 11 of the CS 373 Blog.
What did you do this past week?
ILDB v2 was submitted this week. We also started learning SQL in class.
What’s in your way?
I need to brush up on some of the more advanced SQL queries.
What will you do next week?
I plan to work on the next phase of the project with my group.
This week was a fairly standard one. The project came with the usual set of challenges but we finished it OK. I’m looking forward to the 3rd and final phase.
Tip of the week
I recently discovered InterviewBit, a site to help prepare for interviews. It seems to offer more in terms of structure compared to something like HackerRank. I did find that some of the language in the problem descriptions was unclear, which is probably because the authors don’t have the best language skills. Overall, the idea of the site seemed good.