Week 3
Welcome to Week 3 of the CS 373 Blog.
What did you do this past week?
This past week, I submitted the Collatz project. It feels good to have one project done, and I think I learned a lot that I can apply to the next project.
What’s in your way?
I think some of the more complicated nuances of python that we have been talking about in lecture have been a bit confusing. I am going to make a point of making sure I learn those well. Other than that I don’t think that too much is in my way. Normally, there is a large block of reading in my way, but this week I’ve made a point to split all of it up in to small chunks in order to get the most out of my time.
What will you do next week?
I’m excited to get started on the next project. I’m hoping to do some planning with my partner to make sure we stay on track. I would really like to be able to more acurately predict the amount of time that will be needed for this project, and I think I am better equiped to do so now that I have one project under my belt.
Experiences this week were mostly related to the synthesis of the reading with the project requirements. After having read XP, I understand the difference between unit tests and acceptance tests, and how they factor in to iterative development.
Tip of the week
I’ve got a cool new tool to share this week. I started using the z shell and installed oh-my-zsh (search on github), which provides some cool enhancements to the shell. Some of the useful ones I’ve discovered so far have been enhanced icons, themes, and git integration, which shows you which branch you are working on and if the directory has changed, right from the shell. Pretty cool!