Week 6
Welcome to Week 6 of the CS 373 Blog.
What did you do this past week?
This past week, I mainly focused on studying for the upcoming exam. Since we didn’t have a project this week, I tried to focus on going over course material and readings.
What’s in your way?
I still need to do more studying for the exam! I checked out the list of topics, and this seems like a good place to get started. I will be sure to go over these and make sure I have covered each one.
What will you do next week?
My plan is to continue studying for the exam. It seems like it will cover quite a bit of material, so I still want to put in a lot more time working on it.
This week in the class we had another guest speaker! It was cool to hear about some of the challenges in mobile development. Since the mobile world is relatively young, there is constant development going on around how to implement some important core features, such as those related to Databases or Networking. It was cool to see how folks like Conrad would go about decided what of the available solutions might fit their needs. In some cases, they would even build out their own implementations and release them as open source projects. Pretty neat!
Tip of the week
My tool that I want to recommend is tmux. It is a utility that let you have multiple windows in one console. It is useful when you are logging in via ssh and want to see two things at once.