Week 7
Welcome to Week 7 of the CS 373 Blog.
What did you do this past week?
This week, I took the exam! As expected, it was quite challenging. Overall I felt fairly prepared. I think the main thing that caught me off guard was thinking about how certain functions in Python can be called with more than two arguments. Although this is something we didn’t personally use in projects, it is esential to understand when trying to actually implement builtin functions.
Taking a test entirely in canvas was something new. It went alright overall, however there are some frustraiting things about canvas that are distracting when writing code. For example, on the exam, the entry box for a question response was only a few lines, so it was hard to see all the code for a function at one time. My solution was to write the code on paper, and then type it in. This was probably not the best use of time, but given the limitation it seemed like the best workaround.
What’s in your way?
This week looks clear. Our group will start on the new project. It seems to be challenging but I believe we will learn a great deal.
What will you do next week?
Besides starting on the project, I’ll do the usual stuff, such as studying for quizzes and reading the assigned material.
Nothing too special to report this week. Having Friday off after the exam was pretty nice!
Tip of the week
Attend a hackathon! I went to my first one this weekend and it was a lot of fun. I didn’t have a specific idea that I wanted to develop, but I got to learn a lot from other folks at the hackathon. Attending a smaller one seems like a great way to start.
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